I actually considered not having a dinner this year, since I had been out of
work for so long, but I decided to do it anyway. It would be a simple,
inelegant affair of simple decor, hearty food and most
importantly, friends. So everyone pitched in and we had a wonderful time.

The Signature Drink
The Beggars' Brew 
(Champagne cocktail with berries
- courtesy of Cynthia and Jim)

The Menu

Hors d'oeuvres
Shrimp dip and crackers (courtesy of Cynthia)
Spinach dip served with pumpernickel bread and veggies
(courtesy of Deb)

Main Course
Old Fashioned Chicken and Dumplings
Fresh French Stick
Three different salads (courtesy of Genevieve)

Brown Betty
(Apple, bread and raisin pudding served with a warm caramel sauce)

The Table


I decided to leave the china and the silver where they were and bring out the alternate
kitchen dishes and cutlery, considering the night's "theme".
The centre piece is an antique footwarmer that my Mom has. I used it as a vase,
filling it with daisies and sprigs of parsley.


The Guests et al


  Pre-dinner chat, while we were waiting for Rom and Genevieve
to come. That's Jim playing 'peek-a-boo' on the left, Izak in the
middle and Al on the right.
The drinks on the table are the signature drink, served in
mason jars - in keeping with the situation.

Deb and Jim, quietly contemplating whatever was just said

Between dinner and dessert, people tend to relax and chat. That's Izak and Deb
and Al (with their backs to the camera). The disembodied arm pouring the
soda between Izak and Deb belongs to Genevieve (for some reason this is
the only picture she is in.
And relaxing in the living room are my brother Ron, friend Cynthia . . .

. . . and Jim (and me of course).

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